Friday, December 20, 2013

Pineapple Angel Food Cake!

I'm sure just about everyone has seen this recipe on Facebook or Pinterest or some other place on the web, but I made it this past weekend!!!

Was it amazing? Well, I can't say I love it as much as I love spice cake, but it was good.

How it works, buy a box of any brand angel food cake as long as it only has one bag of mix in it. Not the one that you have to mix two bags of dry together. Then take a can of any brand 20 oz crushed pineapple.

I got the Dole brand only because it has an easy open top.

Heat oven to whatever temp it says on the cake mix box.

Put the mix and the pineapple- do not drain the pineapple- into a bowl and mix it together.

I like to spray my pans with bakers joy, but I wont make you. Do what you like there. I however can not be held accountable if your cake sticks to the pan.

Put the mix in the pan and bake for as long as it says to bake for the cake mix on the box. I like my angel food cake a little on the lighter side so I took it out a couple minutes early and the toothpick came out clean.

Then to top your cake, I see lots of people using whipped cream or such things. That's what I did THIS time.

Next time, I'm buying a second can of crushed pineapple and adding some sugar to it, blend it up into a puree, and then I'm going to serve it like strawberry shortcake... okay, I guess it would be pineapple shortcake :).

This is the dessert I'm serving at Christmas after the main dish of sweet'n'sour pineapple chicken.
